HR Management


Navigate to Announcement Menu

WP ERP has built-in announcement system for your employees. You can create and share announcements to either all your employees or specific ones.

At first, navigate to WP Admin Dashboard → WP ERP → HRM → Announcement.

Adding A New Announcement

Now, you will see a list of all the announcements you have created or will create in the future. This list contains the title, receivers, type, and date of created announcements. Simply click on the Add Announcement button and you will be redirected to the announcement creation page.

This is similar to WordPress post creator. Put a title and compose your announcement.

From the Announcement Settings, select whom you want to send the announcement to. You can select either –

  1. All Employees
  2. Selected Employees

If you choose selected employees, you will get a field where all your employee name will be available for selecting. Select the ones you require. Finally, Click on the publish button.

How the Announcements Looks Like

The announcements can be viewed on the HR Management Overview page. A section titled ‘Latest Announcement’ will contain all announcements.

Your employee just has to click on an announcement and it will expand.

This is how an announcement appears after clicking on it.

That’s all about WP ERP Announcement.

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