How To Send SMS Using CRM

Let’s show you how easily you can communicate with your customers/contacts through SMS in WP ERP!


Install WP ERP like any other WordPress plugin. Download SMS Notification extension from My Account page.

Navigate to – WordPress Admin Dashboard → WP ERP → Settings → SMS

Select the SMS gateway you want to use from the drop-down menu.

There are multiple fields on this page which will allow you to connect WP ERP with proper API and credentials from the SMS service provider. Use the data from the provider then fill out the form and hit save.

Uses in CRM

You can send SMS directly to customers, leads or opportunity to notify them. The mobile number field in the contact profile is used as the recipient.

Navigate to – WordPress Admin Dashboard → WPERP → CRM → Contacts

→ Click on any Contact (visit profile)

→ Go to SMS Tab

→ Compose and click on Send SMS

→ If the operation was successful, you will see the message added to the activity log below.

Uses in HR Management

An option on the announcement page will be added which will allow the HR manager to send SMS notifications to employees besides email notifications when that announcement is published.

Navigate to WordPress Admin Dashboard → HR → Announcement

→ Click on Add Announcement

→ Scroll down to Announcement SettingsEnable the checkbox.

→ Type in the message in the text box titled SMS Body.

That’s how you can send SMS using CRM.

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