How to take payments from your CRM contacts

Taking payments from your CRM contacts is just a few clicks away! You can take payments via PayPal and Stripe as well. WP ERP’s Payment Gateway extension supports these two popular payment methods.

Navigate to WP Admin Dashboard → ERP Settings → Settings. You will be able to see the following screen:

Now, click on the Payment Tab and you will see General Settings for the Payment Gateway.

As you can see above, there is a Payment account option available under General Settings. From the Dropdown option, you will get two options. One is Petty Cash and the other is Savings Account. You can select either of them. Here is a screenshot:

Configuring PayPal settings:

Click on the PayPal Tab to configure PayPal payment option. You will get the following options:

Enable/Disable: You must enable the PayPal option in order to use PayPal as a medium of payment.

Title: Edit the title that your users see on Payment options.

Description: This is the description that users see on Payment options.

PayPal Email: Enter your PayPal Email address here.

PayPal Sandbox: Check or uncheck the box to enable or disable PayPal Sandbox.

Now, hit Save Changes to save all the changes that you have made.

Configuring Stripe settings:

Stripe is one of the smartest and easiest payment method. Click on the Stripe tab to get the Stripe Payment options:

Enable/Disable: Enable Stripe payment option by checking the box out.  

Title: Edit the title that your customers will see from the payment options.

Description: Edit the Description that users see on Payment options.

Live Secret Key: Enter your Stripe live secret key.

Live Publishable Key: Enter your Stripe live publishable key.

Test Mode: Check the boxes to enable the test mode of Stripe payment.

Test Secret Key: Enter your Stripe test secret key.

Test Publishable Key: Enter your Stripe Test Publishable key.

Now, hit Save Changes to save all the changes that you have made.

The Payment Option on Frontend:

After creating an invoice just open the invoice link. When you open the link you will find the frontend view of the invoice that you have approved and created. You will also find a button titled Payment Options, at the top of the page.

Now, hit the Payment Options button. You will see two available payment methods – One is PayPal and the other one is Stripe.

If you choose PayPal and click on Pay Now, you will be redirected to the PayPal’s website. You can login to your PayPal account and complete the payment process from therein.

On the other hand, If you choose Stripe payment, a form will appear. Here, you will find a few options to input your stripe email, card number, expiry date and CVC. Finally, click on the Pay button to complete the payment.

Note: You can navigate to WP Dashboard → Accounting → Sales to check whether the invoice amount is paid or not.


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